

Gspace is an application that allows users to use Google applications on Huawei devices without Google services installed. This application, specifically designed for users without GMS, enables them to enjoy all the benefits of the Google ecosystem within Gspace. The application also enables users to run multiple Google accounts or other applications such as Instagram, providing access to them with permissions for calls, location identification, and data storage.

To install the application on Android for free, simply download the apk file from our website

Functionality and Features

  • Creating groups
    Gmail account users can create groups by invitation and start conversations on any topic.
  • Content sharing
    Users can share various types of content, such as links, articles, videos, images, and more within the group.
  • Integrated services
    Google has integrated key services into Spaces, such as Google Search, Chrome, and YouTube, allowing users to find and share content without leaving the application.
  • Conversational view
    When someone shares something new, the conversational view mode allows you to see what the entire group is discussing at that moment.
  • Accessibility
    Spaces is available on Android, iOS, desktop computers, and mobile web for all Gmail accounts.


  • Google has integrated key services into Spaces, such as Google Search, Chrome, and YouTube, allowing users to find and share content without leaving the application.
  • Users can share various types of content, such as links, articles, videos, images, and more within the group.
  • If you want to find something you've shared previously, you can conduct a quick search in Spaces to find it.
  • Users can create a post using options like a link (Google Search), video (YouTube), image (your camera), or a quote (write a message).
  • Gspace has passed Huawei security filters.


  • Some users have expressed dissatisfaction with the confusing and unintuitive user interface.
  • Compared to other Google collaboration tools, Spaces may offer limited functionality.
  • If you are not already using other Google services, Spaces might seem less useful to you.
  • Gspace, also known as Google Space, is a tool developed to utilize Google Mobile Services (GMS) on Huawei mobile phones. The service creates a virtual space where applications can be installed, and within this space, GMS is available for applications.

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